A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a type of facial plastic surgery performed to restore one’s natural, youthful beauty after experiencing the effects of aging. As the aging process continues, our face may appear tired, sunken, and droopy. These concerns can make you look older than you feel, but facial aging doesn’t have to be permanent. Dr. Eric Payne, our board-certified plastic surgeon based in Houston, can bring back a full, rejuvenated, and refreshed appearance by utilizing innovative and natural-looking facelift techniques designed to reduce signs of age. Dr. Payne’s attention to detail, drive for perfection, and extensive experience in plastic surgery make him uniquely qualified to perform your facelift surgery.
What is a Facelift?
The facelift procedure is designed to address the skin, fat, and underlying musculature of the face in order to minimize jowls (lower jaw hanging skin), lower facial creases, and other indicators of aging. During a facelift, Dr. Payne aims to help patients achieve a sleeker jawline and neck contour without producing obvious signs of surgery. Rather than simply redrape the overlying skin to reduce sagging, Dr. Payne additionally repositions lax facial musculature to avoid an artificial or “frozen” look. He also meticulously places incisions to conceal post-surgical scarring for very natural-looking results. The neck is enhanced as well to smooth wrinkling skin and to eliminate excess hanging tissue.
What Concerns Can Facelift Address?
A facelift is considered the most effective procedure to reverse facial aging by several years. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, a facelift can make a patient look as many as ten years younger. In addition, those who receive a facelift often look brighter and more refreshed overall. Signs of aging that can be corrected with facelift surgery include:
- Jowls
- Sagging skin along the lower face and jawline
- Nasolabial folds and deep creases
- Facial skin inelasticity
A facelift can provide the longest-lasting results possible and is often considered the “gold standard” of facial rejuvenation. If loose, sagging skin extends below the jawline to the region under the chin, you may benefit from combining your facelift with a neck lift. The upper face can also be rejuvenated with blepharoplastyand brow lift surgery if signs of aging affect the upper-third of the face.
Is a Facelift Right for Me?
Good candidates for this cosmetic surgery include patients who are generally healthy and have realistic expectations for the final outcome. Individuals should also have signs of facial aging such as loose skin, sagging tissues underneath jaw and chin area, and/or sagging skin in the midface. Patients who are in their forties to their sixties may also be an ideal candidate for facelift surgery. We invite you to explore our patient gallery to see before-and-after photos of previous outcomes achieved with the facelift and neck lift procedures. If what you hope to achieve aligns with the results showcased in our gallery, this can be an excellent indication that you would benefit from a facelift. Your initial consultation is a great opportunity for you to learn more about facelift surgery and ask Dr. Payne any questions you may have about the procedure, his experience performing facial plastic surgery, or the risks and benefits of a facelift.
Your Facelift Consultation
The first step in the facelift process is your consultation. During a consultation, you and Dr. Payne will discuss your realistic expectations, aesthetic needs, and goals. He will explain the details of the procedure and subsequent recovery process, and you will be able to ask any questions you may have. During this appointment, Dr. Payne will also perform an examination. He will need to know your complete medical history, including any allergies, medical conditions, previous facial procedures, and medications you are currently taking.
Types of Facelifts
Depending on the areas targeted for facial rejuvenation, there are a variety of different types of facelift surgeries that can be performed such as:
- SMAS Facelift: Known as the Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System. This surgery can target the lower part of your face and is considered a more lasting, natural-looking variation of a traditional facelift.
- Mid-Facelift: Targets the areas of the cheeks. The excess fat is repositioned and the skin is tightened.
- Mini Facelift: This surgery is designed to lift your lower face and neck. This surgery is less invasive compared to other types of facelift surgery and is recommended for patients who are younger and have minimal signs of facial aging.
- Injectables: Utilizes non-surgical techniques such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers, which may help with facial rejuvenation; however, injectables are recommended before the facial skin loses too much elasticity.
How is the Facelift Procedure Performed?
A facelift is performed under sedation, general anesthesia, or local anesthesia at a state-credentialed outpatient facility alongside a board-certified anesthesiologist and surgical staff. Patients typically return home on the same day with the help of a friend or loved one. In certain cases, facelift patients may have to stay in the hospital overnight.
During the procedure, your surgeon makes delicate and precise incisions in the natural creases and contours of the face. After removing excess fat and facial tissue, he will bridge and reposition the skin and muscle to create a naturally rejuvenated appearance that should stand the test of time. The excess skin in front of the ear and around the earlobe will be removed for a smoother appearance. Some temporary drainage tubes will be placed under the skin to help prevent a hematoma or seroma. These drainage tubes will be removed within 24 hours. The key is to eliminate facial aging, as well as to prevent the unnatural tell-tale signs of facelift surgery such as an uneven or elevated hairline, distorted earlobes, or visible scars. The vector of a facelift should be vertical and not just horizontal, which causes a windblown appearance.
A facelift can also be paired with a number of other procedures, including an upper and lower eyelid surgery, brow lift, liposuction, rhinoplasty, fat grafting, or a neck lift. Additionally, a facial resurfacing procedure can be performed with a facelift to help with aging skin. This can allow for more comprehensive facial revitalization.
“Such a pleasant experience! Such a great staff! And Dr Payne is such a nice young man! No waiting! Everyone I was in contact with were just so polite and gave me the feeling that they were there to assist me-the patient!”
What is Recovery From a Facelift Like?
Facelift recovery times will vary from person to person. After surgery, you will wear a face wrap or bandage to reduce swelling. Post-operatively, you will be required to return to the office the next day to change your bandages and wraps. If any sutures need to be removed from incision sites, they will be removed by the first week during your post-operative follow-up appointment.
Bruising and swelling should be expected. The time it takes for these reactions to subside ranges on a case-by-case basis. On average, however, bruising should subside after three weeks and swelling should dissipate within two to four weeks. If you experience any pain after surgery, you may take over the counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil. Cold compresses can help with swelling during the recovery process. Patients can usually return to normal activities within 7 to 10 days. The best results from the surgery are usually noticeable by week eight.
How Long Do Facelift Results Last?
A facelift is considered the longest-lasting form of facial rejuvenation possible and results can last years — even decades. While no procedure can stop the natural aging process, you will always look more youthful than you would have if you had not undergone a facelift. There are also ways to prolong the outcome of a facelift, such as:
- Using sunscreen and other forms of sun protection (sunglasses, hats, etc.) to minimize sun damage that can prematurely age the skin
- Undergoing periodic med spa treatments — such as laser skin resurfacing, injectables, facials, and peels — to keep the skin healthy and beautiful
- Applying medical-grade skincare products as a part of your daily regimen
Genetics, lifestyle habits, and sun exposure can all contribute to the longevity of facelift results, but patients can generally enjoy their rejuvenation well into the future.
Will I Have Noticeable Facelift Scars?
While most surgical procedures leave trace amounts of scarring, a facelift performed by Dr. Payne does not usually produce conspicuous scars after surgery. Thanks to his diligent placement of incisions, scars typically blend into the hairline and within the natural contours behind the ears. Dr. Payne will show you exactly where your incisions are likely to be placed during your consultation so you know what to expect after surgery.
In many cases, facelift scars can lighten and fade to some extent over time. The likelihood of undetectable scarring is often higher when patients closely follow Dr. Payne’s post-operative instructions on proper wound care. This can allow incisions to heal optimally with as little scarring as possible. Furthermore, other ways to lighten surgical scars over time include wearing/applying sun protection whenever outdoors for extended periods of time, as well as using high-quality skincare products.
Dr. Eric Payne has undergone the years of specialized experience necessary to help you attain the facelift results you’ve been hoping for. To schedule your facelift consultation, contact us today to set up an appointment.
How Much Does a Facelift Cost?
In Houston, the cost of a facelift usually ranges from $6,500 to $9,500 depending on each patient’s needs and the amount of surgical work necessary to achieve their goals. This estimate does not include expenses typically associated with cosmetic surgery, such as fees for the anesthesia or surgical facility. Our office will be able to provide you with a personalized quote based on your individual treatment plan after your consultation with Dr. Payne.
Although cosmetic procedures like a facelift are rarely covered by insurance companies, Dr. Payne does accept third-party financing from trusted healthcare lending companies such as CareCredit®. Once qualified patients are approved by CareCredit®, they can select from a variety of short- and long-term payment plans for the arrangement that suits their ideal budget. Many financing plans also offer the benefit of low- to no-interest fees within a certain promotional period. Our office team would be happy to explain your payment options as well as our procedure costs if you would like to learn more.
Why Choose Dr. Payne to Perform Your Facelift?
Dr. Payne is uniquely qualified to correct facial aging because his approach involves analyzing the facial structures to provide each patient with a specific facelift plan. By understanding the anatomy of the bone, muscle, and fat in addition to sagging skin, Dr. Payne can address the entire face to achieve an optimal outcome. With a combination approach to not only tighten the skin, but also lift the muscle and fat to reposition the tissue, a long-term outcome can result. In some instances, significant bone loss should also be treated to restore balance in the facial appearance. Dr. Payne’s facial rejuvenation approach is primed to restore a more youthful appearance that looks natural and beautiful. Dr. Payne is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is trained in craniofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Schedule a Consultation
Contact Texas Liposuction Specialty Clinic in Houston today to schedule a consultation for your Liposuction with Dr. Payne.